Safe Harbour

Model Rules – QDMTT and UTPR Safe Harbours


QDMTT and UTPR Safe Harbours QDMTT Safe Harbour 1. A Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT) is a domestic minimum tax imposed by a jurisdiction on those Constituent Entities of an MNE Group that are resident, or constitute a permanent establishment in, that jurisdiction. The QDMTT operates as a Top-up Tax that is [...]

Model Rules – QDMTT and UTPR Safe Harbours2023-08-12T19:54:31+02:00

Model Rules – Permanent Safe Harbour


<< Go back to overview Next article>> Permanent Safe Harbour Where an MNE’s operations in a jurisdiction do not meet the requirements of a transitional safe harbour, they may still qualify for the terms of a permanent safe harbour. Similar to the Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour, qualifying for the [...]

Model Rules – Permanent Safe Harbour2023-08-08T17:08:42+02:00

Model Rules – Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour


<< Go back to overview Next article>> Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour The safe harbour described in this Chapter is designed to provide transitional relief for MNE Groups in the initial years during which the GloBE Rules come into effect. This safe harbour seeks to ameliorate the immediate compliance difficulties [...]

Model Rules – Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour2023-08-12T19:29:07+02:00
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