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Article 2.3 IIR Offset Mechanism

Article 2.3. IIR Offset Mechanism

2.3.1 A Parent Entity that owns an Ownership Interest in a Low-Taxed Constituent Entity indirectly through an Intermediate Parent Entity or a Partially-Owned Parent Entity that is not eligible for an exclusion from the IIR under Article 2.1.3 or 2.1.5 shall reduce its allocable share of a Top-up Tax of the Low-Taxed Constituent Entity in accordance with Article 2.3.2.

2.3.2. The reduction in Article 2.3.1 will be an amount equal to the portion of the Parent Entity’s Allocable Share of the Top-up Tax that is brought into charge by the Intermediate Parent Entity or the Partially-Owned Parent Entity under a Qualified IIR.

Article 2.3.1

38. Article 2.3.1 reduces the Top-up Tax that has been allocated to a Parent Entity where two Parent Entities in the same ownership chain are required to apply an IIR to the same Top-up Tax amount and the potential for overlapping application of the IIR is not solved by the ordering rules in Articles 2.1.3 or 2.1.5. This can occur, for example, where an upper-tier Intermediate Parent Entity has a non-Controlling Interest in a lower-tier Intermediate Parent Entity, which, in turn, holds all the Ownership Interests in an LTCE. In this case, both Parent Entities will be required to apply the IIR under Article 2.1.2 in respect of the LTCE. A similar situation can arise under Articles 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 where a POPE does not hold all of the Ownership Interests of a lower-tier POPE. In this case, both POPEs in the same ownership chain are required to apply the IIR. Article 2.3.1 prevents double taxation in these situations.

Article 2.3.2

39. Article 2.3.2 determines the amount of the Top-up Tax reduction required pursuant to Article 2.3.1. Article 2.3.2 reduces the Top-up Tax that would otherwise be payable under the IIR by the upper-tier Parent Entity by the amount that is brought into charge under a Qualified IIR applied by the lower-tier Parent Entity. The reduction of Top-up Tax is limited to “the portion” of the Top-up Tax that has been allocated to the upper-tier Parent Entity and that “is brought into charge” by the lower-tier Intermediate Parent Entity or POPE. In other words, the reduction is limited to the amount of the upper-tier Parent Entity’s Allocable share of the LTCE’s Top-up Tax that is attributable to Ownership Interests held indirectly through the lowertier Intermediate Parent Entity or POPE that is also obligated to apply the IIR.5 40. Article 2.3 reduces a Parent Entity’s allocable share of a Top-up Tax by the amount allocated to a POPE or Intermediate Parent Entity located in a lower level of the ownership chain. This reduction is made at the moment of allocating the amount of Top-up Tax among Parent Entities and not after the full amount or a portion of the Top-up Tax is effectively paid.

OECD has developed examples regarding this article, which can be found here.

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