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Article 6.5. Multi-Parented MNE Groups

Article 6.5 covers the situation in which two or more Groups prepare Consolidated Financial Statements in which the financial performance of these Groups is presented as a single economic unit in accordance with a Dual-listed Arrangement or a Stapled Structure. The rules in this Article ensure that the GloBE Rules apply to these structures in the same way they would apply to a Group with single UPE with an appropriate allocation of Top-up Tax amongst the Constituent Entities of the combined MNE Group. A Multi-Parented MNE Group is comprised of two or more Groups whose UPEs enter into an arrangement that is a Stapled Structure or Dual-listed Arrangement. The terms Multi-Parented MNE Group, Dual-listed Arrangement and Stapled Structure are defined in Article 10.1.

The GloBE Rules apply only to MNE Groups and therefore the definition of a Multi-Parented MNE Group requires that at least one Entity or PE of the combined Group has to be located in a different jurisdiction with respect to the rest of the Entities of the combined Group. The phrase “combined Group” was included in the definition to accommodate the situation in which two domestic Groups hold Ownership Interests of an Entity located in another jurisdiction but they only hold the Controlling Interests of the Entity when they act as a combined Group. For instance, two separate domestic Groups may each hold 50% of the Ownership Interests of an Entity located in another jurisdiction (or domestic Entity with a PE in another jurisdiction). In this case, the Entity would be treated as a JV by each Group individually. However, where the UPEs of both Groups are part of a Stapled Structure or Dual-listed Arrangement the JV becomes a Constituent Entity of the combined Group and because that Entity is located in another jurisdiction, the combined Group becomes a Multi-Parented MNE Group.

A Stapled Structure is an arrangement under which 50% or more of the Ownership Interests in the UPEs are “stapled” together as if they were the Ownership Interests of a single Entity. Stapled Ownership Interests are combined together (through their form of ownership, restrictions on transfer, or other terms or conditions) in a way that they cannot be transferred or traded independently. Stapled Ownership Interests that are listed on a securities exchange, are quoted on that exchange at a single price for the combined Ownership Interests. The definition of Stapled Structure also requires that one of the UPEs prepares Consolidated Financial Statements in which assets, liabilities, income, expenses and cash flows of the Entities in all of the Groups are presented together as those of a single economic unit.

The other arrangement covered by the definition of a Multi-Parented MNE Group is a Dual-listed Arrangement. A Dual-listed Arrangement is an arrangement whereby two or more UPEs combine their businesses through contract rather than bringing them under the ownership and control of a single entity. Under a Dual-listed Arrangement, each UPE makes distributions to its owners based on a fixed ratio pursuant to a contract, such as an equalization agreement, and the activities of the combined groups are managed collectively as if they were carried out by a single economic entity. As with the definition of Stapled Structure, the definition of Dual-listed Arrangement also requires the UPEs to prepare Consolidated Financial Statements in which the assets, liabilities, income, expenses and cash flows of all the Entities of the Groups are presented together as those of a single economic unit. However, in contrast to Stapled Structures, the Ownership Interests in the UPEs under a Dual-listed Arrangement are quoted, traded or transferred independently in different capital markets.

Under these definitions, both a Stapled Structure and a Dual-listed Arrangement must prepare the Consolidated Financial Statements that are externally audited pursuant to a regulatory regime. This requirement is satisfied where a UPE prepares Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with an Acceptable Financial Accounting Standard where it requires that the Consolidated Financial Statements must present fairly the financial position and performance of the Entities and are audited by a professional external auditor in accordance with the auditing standards issued by the auditing standards board in the jurisdiction of location of the UPE.

6.5.1. The following provisions apply to Multi-Parented MNE Groups:

(a) the Entities and Constituent Entities of each Group are treated as members of a single MNE Group for purposes of the GloBE Rules (the Multi-Parented MNE Group);

(b) an Entity (other than an Excluded Entity) shall be treated as a Constituent Entity if it is consolidated on a line-by-line basis by the Multi-Parented MNE Group or its Controlling Interests are held by Entities in the Multi-Parented MNE Group;

(c) the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Multi-Parented MNE Group shall be the Consolidated Financial Statements referred to in the definition of Stapled Structure or Dual-listed arrangement (as relevant) prepared under an Acceptable Financial Accounting Standard, which is deemed to be the accounting standard of the Ultimate Parent Entity;

(d) the Ultimate Parent Entities of the separate Groups that comprise the Multi-Parented MNE Group shall be the Ultimate Parent Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group (when applying the GloBE Rules in respect of a Multi-Parented MNE Group, references to an Ultimate Parent Entity shall apply, as required, as if they were references to multiple Ultimate Parent Entities);

(e) the Parent Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group (including each Ultimate Parent Entity) located in [implementing jurisdiction] shall apply the IIR in accordance with Article 2.1 to Article 2.3 with respect to their Allocable Share of the Topup Tax of the Low-Taxed Constituent Entity;

(f) all of the Constituent Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group located in [implementing jurisdiction] shall apply the UTPR in accordance with Article 2.4 to Article 2.6 taking into account the Top-up Tax of each Low-Taxed Constituent Entity of the MultiParented MNE Group; and

(g) the Ultimate Parent Entities are required to submit the GloBE Information Return in accordance with Article 8.1, unless they appoint a single Designated Filing Entity and that return shall include the information concerning each of the Groups that comprise the MultiParented MNE Group.

Article 6.5.1

100. Article 6.5.1 is divided into several paragraphs, each of which contains a different rule that applies particularly to Multi-Parented MNE Groups.

Paragraph (a)

101. Paragraph (a) states that the Entities and Constituent Entities of each Group are treated as if they were members of a single MNE Group for purposes of the GloBE Rules. This paragraph refers to “Entities” and “Constituent Entities” because it has two objectives. The first objective is determining the composition of the combined Group. Similar to Article 1.2.2, this test refers to all Entities regardless of whether they are Constituent Entities or Excluded Entities. This is important for applying the consolidated revenue threshold in Article 1.1, which takes into account the revenue of Entities that are members of the combined Group regardless of whether they are Excluded Entities. The second objective is to identify the Constituent Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group for the purposes of applying the mechanical provisions of the GloBE Rules. Under this paragraph, the Constituent Entities, including PEs, of each of the Groups are treated as Constituent Entities of a single Multi-Parented MNE Group.

Paragraph (b)

102. Paragraph (b) states than an Entity (other than an Excluded Entity) shall be treated as a Constituent Entity of the Multi-Parented MNE Group if it is consolidated on a line-by-line basis by such Group or its Controlling Interests are held by Entities of such Group. The purpose of paragraph (b) is to extend the definition of Constituent Entity to those Entities that would not meet the definition if each Group were tested separately but that are, nevertheless, included on a line-by-line basis in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. Furthermore, these Entities are considered as Constituent Entities if they are not consolidated on a line-by-line basis by the Multi-Parented MNE Group but their Controlling Interest are held by Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. For example, MNE Group 1 and MNE Group 2 together constitute a Multi-Parented MNE Group. The UPEs of each MNE Group hold 50% of the Ownership Interests of an Entity. If each MNE Group were treated as a separate Group under the rules, the financial performance of the Entity would have been reported under the equity method and therefore, the Entity would have been treated as a JV. However, given that the Multi-Parented MNE Group collectively holds the Controlling Interests of the Entity it is expected that such Entity would be consolidated on a line-by-line basis and therefore, considered as a Constituent Entity of the MNE Group. In the case that such Entity was not consolidated on a line-by-line basis, it will still be considered as a Constituent Entity because its Controlling Interests are held by Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. The same would apply, for instance, if each MNE Group held 30% of the Controlling Interests of the Entity.

Paragraph (c)

103. Paragraph (c) states that the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Multi-Parented MNE Group are those referred to in the definition of Stapled Structure or Dual-listed Arrangement. Therefore, the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Multi-Parented MNE Group created under a Stapled Structure are those referred in paragraph (b) of the definition of Stapled Structure. Similarly, the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Multi-Parented MNE Group created under a Dual-listed Arrangement are those referred in paragraph (e) of the definition of Dual-listed Arrangement. These statements must meet the definition of Consolidated Financial Statements to be used for purposes of the GloBE Rules. Furthermore, the last part of paragraph (c) clarifies that whenever there is a reference to the accounting standard of the UPE, then it should be deemed to be the accounting standard that has been used by the Multi-Parented MNE Group to prepare its combined Consolidated Financial Statements.

Paragraph (d)

104. Paragraph (d) clarifies that the UPEs of the Groups that comprise the Multi-Parented MNE Group are still considered as the UPEs of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. This clarification is important because it confirms that in these cases there would be more than one UPE. The text in the parenthesis at the end of paragraph (d) further clarifies that any references to the UPE in the GloBE Rules refers to the UPEs of the Multi-Parented MNE Group.

Paragraph (e)

105. Paragraph (e) indicates that the Parent Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group shall apply the IIR in accordance with Articles 2.1 to 2.3 with respect to their Allocable Shares of the Top-up Tax of the LTCE. This means that under Article 2.1, each of the UPEs are required to apply the IIR under the topdown approach in the jurisdiction in which they are located. This means that split-ownership rules are also applicable. However, the determination of whether an Entity is a POPE shall take into account both of the UPEs Ownership Interests in the Entity.

106. For example, MNE Group 1 holds 60% of the Ownership Interests of Sub Co, while the remaining 40% is held by MNE Group 2. Both Groups form part of a Multi-Parented MNE Group. Sub Co holds all of the Ownership Interests of an LTCE. If each MNE Group was assessed separately, Sub Co would have been a POPE of MNE Group 1 under Article 10.1 because more than 20% of its Ownership Interests are held by persons that are not Constituent Entities of MNE Group 1. However, given that MNE Group 1 and MNE Group 2 are considered a single MNE Group, then 100% of Sub Co’s Ownership Interests are held by Constituent Entities and therefore, Sub Co does not meet the definition of a POPE. In this case, the UPEs of MNE Group 1 and MNE Group 2 would apply the IIR based on their Allocable Share of the Topup Tax (60% and 40%, respectively).

107. It is possible that only one of the UPEs of the Multi-Parented MNE Group is subject to a Qualified IIR. In such a case, the application of the top-down approach under Article 2.1.3 will depend on the legal holding structure of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. For example, if all of the Ownership Interests of an Intermediate Parent Entity, that are held by the Multi-Parented MNE Group, are held by the UPE that is subject to a Qualified IIR, then Article 2.1.3 (a) deactivates the obligation of the Intermediate Parent Entity from applying the IIR. However, if both UPEs hold Ownership Interests in the Intermediate Parent Entity, then Article 2.1.3(a) does not apply because one of its UPEs is not subject to a Qualified IIR. In this latter case, the Intermediate Parent Entity is required to apply the IIR based on its Allocable Share of the Topup Tax of the LTCE and the UPE that is subject to a Qualified IIR would reduce its Allocable Share of the Top-up Tax of the LTCE in accordance with Article 2.3.

108. The computation of each Parent Entity’s Allocable Share of the Top-up Tax of LTCEs in accordance with Article 2.2 is not affected by Article 6.5. This also applies to the UPEs of the Multi-Parented MNE Group notwithstanding any arrangement that require such Entities to share the profits of their subsidiaries.

Paragraph (f)

109. Paragraph (f) states that all the Constituent Entities of the Multi-Parented MNE Group are required to apply the UTPR in accordance with Articles 2.4 to 2.6. It further clarifies that the UTPR shall take into account the Top-up Tax computed in respect of any LTCE that is a member of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. This means a single UTPR Top-up Tax Amount is calculated for the whole Multi-Parented MNE Group by aggregating the Top-up Tax of all the members of the Multi-Parented MNE Group, taking into account the other relevant provisions such as Article 9.3. This also means that an Entity that would otherwise be a Constituent Entity of only one of the Groups can be required to apply the UTPR with respect to an amount of Top-up Tax of another Constituent Entity that would otherwise be a Constituent Entity of another Group.

Paragraph (g)

110. Lastly, paragraph (g) clarifies that all of the UPEs are required to submit a GloBE Information Return in accordance with Article 8.1. The Article contains an exception to this rule where they appoint a single Designated Filing Entity, which could be one of the UPEs or another Constituent Entity of the MultiParented MNE Group. Furthermore, paragraph (g) states that the GloBE Information Return shall include the information of all Groups that are part of the Multi-Parented MNE Group. The information required under Chapter 8 should be reported as if all of the Groups were a single MNE Group. Paragraph (g) does not otherwise alter the rules in Article 8.1, such as the obligation of all Constituent Entities located in a jurisdiction to submit a GloBE Information Return in case it is not submitted by a Designated Local Entity, or by the UPEs or a Designated Filing Constituent Entity located in a jurisdiction with a Qualifying Competent Authority Agreement.

No examples have been published by the OECD regarding this article.

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